Politics is Not a Banana: The Journal of Vulgar Discourse, is a small 7x7 publication of what some might call “insurrectional anarchist and communist” theory—although we may hazard to add the qualifiers, “post-structuralist” and “cyber-feminist.” Furthermore, PNB, rejecting the false binary between theory and practice, also contains content of the experimental fiction/pornography and cultural criticism variety. PNB is vaguely and dangerously lumpen-bourgeoisie and becomes a material force annually. The next issue is set to be a pretty little object come June '09. It may be professionally printed and it may have a quaint débutante ball to celebrate its coming out—and it would be in your best interest to attend.
PNB is receiving submissions for the previously mentioned upcoming issue themed:
“What are you doing after the orgy or riot or whatever?”
Politics is Not a Banana: The Journal of Vulgar Discourse is an orifice and an edge that desires to be filled; that desires to scratch itself on your mildewy surfaces—won't you oblige?
Submit, add complicity, expose everything.
We want it. We want your terrible little secrets; your thoughts on the recent events in Europe, in Oakland, on the fictions we are currently writing. We want thoughts on elaborating the technique of rioting and the technique of occupation. We want perspectives on expanding and refining anarchist rituals, and thoughts about other portals to our worlds beyond Food Not Bombs. We want thorough examinations of the concepts of class struggle, global civil war, and social war. We want contributions to the destruction of The Individual, The Family, and the liberal social contract. Give it to us, or we're going to take it. Politics is Not a Banana is a forum for vulgar and perverse methods. We want you to use us. We want you take pleasure in your writing, in theoretical contributions and in the practice of discourse. So here's our double-dog-dare: write what you like and take it seriously, but do it by April 3rd.
A few helpful restrictions:
Send articles, fully edited(content, spelling and grammar) between 500-3000 words and photos or graphics art (300-400 dpi at least 4x4 inches) to ief-southeast(at)riseup(dot)net no later than April 3rd.
PNB is not a democracy. We have no illusions about the power we wield as those who pose the questions—and we love it. If you want to submit to the crack of our whip or you feel a charge and a potency to expose your content to us, feel free. However, if you're going to wag your accusing finger when we don't attend to your particular fetish-object, we have to say “Sorry, that's just not how it goes, hun—you don't get that.”
Awaiting that webcam picture you promised me—that one with the mask and all that paint,
-Liam Sionnach '09